The Admission of Grace in Kundalini Awakening
Where we are in the world is only an imaginary dream we can’t comprehend fully. Where we are in God is always fully understood when we are in the Shakti’s Energy of Grace. We don’t see what or who we truly are until the Grace of God is fully awakened within us and we can be seen as that Grace in our every day reality. We can’t see God until we see the Light within ourselves that allows us to recognize the Source of our own Being.
Why Kundalini Awakening?
Because Kundalini is the life of our life. Kundalini dwells in the Shiva aspect until we are born. Then it descends into the human body and becomes the subtle transferable energy that decides how and who we will be on this earth plane. It doesn’t matter if we are seen as divine or holy or inconsequential in our life. It matters if we are free. The divine, holy energy that is the Kundalini makes us see and be seen as divine, holy conquistadors on this planet of light.
Grace is the energy of God. Grace is revealing itself as divine freedom. Grace takes us into holy matrimony with Shiva. We become one with all things when Grace is alive in our beings. Grace develops a sense of oneness. The very essence of our being is God. So when we awaken the Kundalini which is God ultimately, we become more free.
Is Kundalini Enlightenment?
Kundalini is not enlightenment. Kundalini is the recognition of the path of Grace within our body. Kundalini is the subtle, transferable energy that decides to awaken to bring us into a state of grace, which ultimately leads to enlightenment. Grace is within us always. We are always free. The Kundalini decides how to dwell within us so we can recognize that freedom and that grace within our beings. It is always free. We want to go to enlightenment. We want Grace. We want to be free. Kundalini is the path that takes us to these things.
What do we want mostly? Grace, God, Divinity? Is it always here with us anyways, no matter what we are doing? Does it always sit with us, inside of us? Does it always acknowledge our inner beingness even when we seem to be off course or in another stream. It isn’t always obvious to us how to be free, but the Kundalini always knows everything about our own process to freedom and enlightenment. She will always take us to the freedom we seek. The Kundalini is the path to the awakening of our own Divine Self. And that is free.
Is It Possible to Own The Kundalini?
The short answer is no, absolutely, it is not possible to own the Kundalini energy. There are a lot of experts in the field of awakening right now. Some have even tried to copyright words such as Shaktipat and Kundalini Awakening. This is an innate power that resides within us as Grace. It cannot be owned or transferred in that way. When people think they own the Kundalini and can give it by their own will, they are gravely mistaken and can’t be trusted with this divine energy of grace. There is one way that the Kundalini is transferred from one being to another and that is by God’s will. There is no other will that can make this Energy be active in another being. God is the only doer in this graceful process of awakening.
Here is where the danger comes in. When one thinks they have the right to hold this energy back from someone because someone isn’t acting in alignment with their values or ego’s goals and directives. This is a grave mistake. The energy Herself will show us who needs to be activated and when. She will work through us who are doing this work for the betterment of mankind and allow us to feel the grace moving though us as she activates those in our presence. It is not a control device or a means to garner more followers for our ego’s demands. If the followers come, it is because the Grace of God brings them. If the energy of Grace is working through us, it is for the benefit of those who are serving mankind through their own objectives and grace.
I have seen teachers hold back the energy because someone isn’t acting in alignment with their egoic needs. This isn’t Kundalini. This is energy for control. I have heard people say that they are afraid to leave a certain teacher because the teacher has said that the Shakti will go away. I have seen teachers try to lure students back in by tempting them with spiritual energy and grace. This is not true awakening and need not be understood as anything other than false prompting. It is a lie. God’s Will will not allow anyone to be left out of the awakening because they no longer follow a certain ego personality. In these circumstances, it is our prerogative to go within and follow the Divine grace that is within us. If we find another teacher who we feel may better serve us, and the Kundalini is guiding us in that direction, great. It’s all in the Divine’s play. It isn’t awakening that is scary in these scenarios, it is the loss of ego discernment that has come into play.
I Will Follow Who I Choose to Follow
This does not mean that every teacher needs to accept every student who wants to be awakened. There are rights and wrongs about who we may follow and who we may guide. I don’t follow everyone who comes into my field and acts like a saint and I also don’t accept everyone who comes to me seeking Energy. I believe that God will guide me to the ones who are meant to be with me. I sometimes have strong feelings about people and when I do, I ask God to fully guide me to act in a way that is highest and best for that person’s soul as well as my own. I don’t know what is best for me or them ever because my ego can make awkward transgressions. I like to surrender it to the Divine in every moment and trust that the process will unfold perfectly. This is where we allow Grace to be in control.
Who Do You Choose to Follow?
The following is an interesting concept because we really don’t follow anyone but our own Divine Self. When we are lead to someone who is great, and that person can help us to find our inner divine source of being, we may feel that we are home. We may feel that we’ve found our own perfect source of being by being in this person’s presence. I had this feeling when I first met my Shaktipat guru. However, the time played out and it was then time for me to go. I was told that one should or could never leave their guru so I had a very tough time when walking away. But my inner source of being was leading me in a different direction. I wasn’t ready to walk away. It was scary. It was revealing all of my insecurities about my own inner source of being. I wasn’t ready and I was scared, but I had to walk away.
Where does this lead me today? I still have questions. I still feel fear sometimes. I still wish I had someone supporting me and loving me through this process. But I don’t, as far as a guru goes. It was made very clear to me a few years ago when I was going through a very intense upending process that I had to go in. There was nowhere else for me to turn. I knew that nothing and no one on this earth could help me to find my Source. I realize now that this experience made me look at myself as the One that I’d been looking for. God is my resident Guru now.
We all have good intentions when we follow a guru, and hopefully that guru has the intention of helping us find our own Inner Self. But when we feel that we are being misled and are told that we can’t trust our own inner divine self, it’s a scary play. We don’t realize the hole that’s being created until it’s often too deep to escape. The Divine will always show us the way.
My intention is to always follow the Divine’s lead and let Her bring what She needs to bring to each person who comes to me for Grace. I don’t know what each person needs. Only the Divine is aware of who each person is becoming and where they need to go. If someone is lead to a saint or a guru or a person who can help them, then it becomes Grace because Grace has done the work of bringing them together.
Do you want to see what I can offer you on this Journey of Light? I have several offerings that help people to find their Inner Source of Being.
If we find ourselves in a dilemma and we can’t find the Source of our being, where do we turn? Do we have someone who can help us out of this dilemma or is it deeper than that? Is it a deep longing for the truth that resides within us? Do we feel that we need to seek counsel? That is valid when the counsel is pristine, when the counsel ultimately guides us inward. No one knows the truth of our being more than our own inner divine self, and this is where we are lead by Grace. Every great guru or example of truth will ultimately lead us into our own sphere of grace and show us the way to be free within our own being. We don’t need anyone else ultimately because Grace is free within our own being.
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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