Kundalini Awakening in The Divine Heart
When Kundalini is awakened in the heart, we feel an intense pressure to love and be loved by God. We know that we are divine. We know that we are free. Kundalini awakening in the heart allows us to feel every free roaming molecule of light in intense, gravity free, symbiotic union, allowing us to experience full union with the divine.
When I open my heart to this divinity, I am free. It is freedom that I seek.
Opening The Heart to The Divine
If we sit back and relax and allow ourselves to feel the ecstatic light of grace running through us, we know our divinity. We know that separation is unreal. We know that we could never be anything but perfection in this grace. Our hearts are full of divine love. Our hearts are full of grace. Allow yourself to feel, for one moment, the grace of God beating in the heart. Connecting with the divine in the heart is truly an authentic feeling of grace. The heart is God’s grace. The heart is God’s love. The heart is the connection of the divine within us as pure love.
God is grace. God is love. God is truth. God is divinity. God is purity. God’s heart is the heart of our very beingness. The heart stands in the power of grace and love.
This Is An Awakening In The Heart
How does the heart feel about awakening right here, right now? Does the heart feel open to grace and love here, now? Does the heart need love? Does the heart want to find something deep within it that is love? Awaken the heart to love. It’s time. It’s now.
Slowly consider the time it’s taking you to be here, now. Is it real? Is the time real? Does it dive deeper into your space of light? Does the heart want to open up in grace? The heart is opening in grace now, here.
Blow everything else out of the water and let it dissolve into God’s light. We are one. We are souls united in God’s light. It doesn’t matter who else has been here before or who will come. It doesn’t matter if you are awake or asleep. In this space and time, we are one. The heart is denying nothing now. In this space of light, we are one.
Sparkling, shining, light, consciousness, grace, let the body explode into space. Let the molecules envelop all of the molecules of grace. Exploding the heart into grace. It is Love.
Feel It Opening Inside of You Now
It’s all about Love. It’s always been about love. It will always be about love. Love is all there is.
I feel your love. I know your love. I experience your love. You are the love of all love.
Always love. Nothing but love.
When we feel ourself in our heart exploding into grace and love, the enigmatic qualities we have been seeking are revealed. And we are free in grace and love.
The Kundalini has awakened in our heart and we are found. Grace has been given. It is Pure Love.
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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